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Information about the Interpersonal Sensitivities Circumplex (ISC).




An object of class circumplex_instrument of length 5.


Hopwood, C. J., Ansell, E. B., Pincus, A. L., Wright, A. G. C., Lukowitsky, M. R., & Roche, M. J. (2011). The circumplex structure of interpersonal sensitivities. Journal of Personality, 79(4), 707-740.



#> ISC: Interpersonal Sensitivities Circumplex
#> 64 items, 8 scales, 1 normative data sets
#> Hopwood et al. (2011)
#> <>
#> The ISC contains 8 circumplex scales.
#> PA: Sensitive to Control (90 degrees)
#> BC: Sensitive to Antagonism (135 degrees)
#> DE: Sensitive to Remoteness (180 degrees)
#> FG: Sensitive to Timidity (225 degrees)
#> HI: Sensitive to Passivity (270 degrees)
#> JK: Sensitive to Dependence (315 degrees)
#> LM: Sensitive to Affection (360 degrees)
#> NO: Sensitive to Attention-Seeking (45 degrees)
#> The ISC is rated using the following 8-point scale.
#> 1. Not at all, never bothers me
#> 2. Very little, rarely bothers me
#> 3. A little, occasionally bothers me
#> 4. Slightly, bothers me less than half the time
#> 5. Somewhat, bothers me more than half of the time
#> 6. Quite, bothers me frequently
#> 7. Very much, bothers me most of the time
#> 8. Extremely, always bothers me
#> The ISC contains 64 items (open-access):
#> 1. Thinks they are my boss
#> 2. Disregards my feelings
#> 3. Doesn't show any feelings
#> 4. Won't engage in conversation
#> 5. Cannot assert themselves
#> 6. Avoids conflict at all costs
#> 7. Wants to spend lots of time with me
#> 8. Doesn't respect my privacy
#> 9. Orders me around
#> 10. Doesn't respond to me
#> 11. Doesn't want to be friends
#> 12. Is aloof
#> 13. Doesn't have a backbone
#> 14. Always needs support
#> 15. Tries to get close to me really fast
#> 16. Talks themselves up
#> 17. Talks down to me
#> 18. Is hostile
#> 19. Walls themselves off from me
#> 20. Acts like a wallflower
#> 21. Is weak
#> 22. Always seems to need my help
#> 23. Tells me they love me
#> 24. Shows off
#> 25. Will do anything to get what they want
#> 26. Is deceitful
#> 27. Won't share their feelings with me
#> 28. Won't step up to the plate
#> 29. Allows themselves to be dominated by others
#> 30. Acts helpless
#> 31. Expresses concern about me
#> 32. Talks about themselves
#> 33. Has to call the shots
#> 34. Mistrusts me
#> 35. Is unresponsive
#> 36. Doesn't share their ideas
#> 37. Is always submissive
#> 38. Laughs at all my jokes
#> 39. Acts like we're friends when we don't even know each other
#> 40. Has to be right
#> 41. Intimidates me
#> 42. Doesn't care about my feelings
#> 43. Avoids me
#> 44. Won't participate
#> 45. Cannot make decisions
#> 46. Is dependent on me
#> 47. Humors me
#> 48. Interrupts
#> 49. Is bossy
#> 50. Expects the worst out of me
#> 51. Never gets in touch with me
#> 52. Is really shy
#> 53. Is very passive
#> 54. Believes everything I say
#> 55. Believes I can do no wrong
#> 56. Tries to show me how to do things
#> 57. Always puts themselves first
#> 58. Is mean-spirited
#> 59. Pulls away from me
#> 60. Refuses to lead
#> 61. Is easily controlled
#> 62. Is soft
#> 63. Is clingy
#> 64. Takes control
#> The ISC currently has 1 normative data set(s):
#> 1. 649 American college students
#> Hopwood et al. (2011)
#> <>
scales(isc, items = TRUE)
#> The ISC contains 8 circumplex scales.
#> PA: Sensitive to Control (90 degrees)
#>     1. Thinks they are my boss
#>     9. Orders me around
#>     17. Talks down to me
#>     25. Will do anything to get what they want
#>     33. Has to call the shots
#>     41. Intimidates me
#>     49. Is bossy
#>     57. Always puts themselves first
#> BC: Sensitive to Antagonism (135 degrees)
#>     2. Disregards my feelings
#>     10. Doesn't respond to me
#>     18. Is hostile
#>     26. Is deceitful
#>     34. Mistrusts me
#>     42. Doesn't care about my feelings
#>     50. Expects the worst out of me
#>     58. Is mean-spirited
#> DE: Sensitive to Remoteness (180 degrees)
#>     3. Doesn't show any feelings
#>     11. Doesn't want to be friends
#>     19. Walls themselves off from me
#>     27. Won't share their feelings with me
#>     35. Is unresponsive
#>     43. Avoids me
#>     51. Never gets in touch with me
#>     59. Pulls away from me
#> FG: Sensitive to Timidity (225 degrees)
#>     4. Won't engage in conversation
#>     12. Is aloof
#>     20. Acts like a wallflower
#>     28. Won't step up to the plate
#>     36. Doesn't share their ideas
#>     44. Won't participate
#>     52. Is really shy
#>     60. Refuses to lead
#> HI: Sensitive to Passivity (270 degrees)
#>     5. Cannot assert themselves
#>     13. Doesn't have a backbone
#>     21. Is weak
#>     29. Allows themselves to be dominated by others
#>     37. Is always submissive
#>     45. Cannot make decisions
#>     53. Is very passive
#>     61. Is easily controlled
#> JK: Sensitive to Dependence (315 degrees)
#>     6. Avoids conflict at all costs
#>     14. Always needs support
#>     22. Always seems to need my help
#>     30. Acts helpless
#>     38. Laughs at all my jokes
#>     46. Is dependent on me
#>     54. Believes everything I say
#>     62. Is soft
#> LM: Sensitive to Affection (360 degrees)
#>     7. Wants to spend lots of time with me
#>     15. Tries to get close to me really fast
#>     23. Tells me they love me
#>     31. Expresses concern about me
#>     39. Acts like we're friends when we don't even know each other
#>     47. Humors me
#>     55. Believes I can do no wrong
#>     63. Is clingy
#> NO: Sensitive to Attention-Seeking (45 degrees)
#>     8. Doesn't respect my privacy
#>     16. Talks themselves up
#>     24. Shows off
#>     32. Talks about themselves
#>     40. Has to be right
#>     48. Interrupts
#>     56. Tries to show me how to do things
#>     64. Takes control