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Take in a data frame containing circumplex scales, angle definitions for each scale, and normative data (from the package or custom) and return that same data frame with each specified circumplex scale transformed into standard scores (i.e., z-scores) based on comparison to the normative data.


  sample = 1,
  prefix = "",
  suffix = "_z"



Required. A data frame containing at least circumplex scales.


Required. The variable names or column numbers for the variables in .data that contain circumplex scales to be standardized.


Required. A numeric vector containing the angular displacement of each circumplex scale included in scales (in degrees).


Required. An instrument object from the package. To see the available circumplex instruments, see instruments().


Required. An integer corresponding to the normative sample to use in standardizing the scale scores (default = 1). See ?norms to see the normative samples available for an instrument.


Optional. A string to include at the beginning of the newly calculated scale variables' names, before the scale name and suffix (default = "").


Optional. A string to include at the end of the newly calculated scale variables' names, after the scale name and prefix (default = "_z").


A data frame that matches .data except that new variables are appended that contain standardized versions of scales. These new variables will have the same name as scales but with a "_z" suffix.

See also

Other tidying functions: ipsatize(), score()


standardize(jz2017, PA:NO, octants(), instrument = iipsc, sample = 1)
#> # A tibble: 1,166 × 27
#>    Gender    PA    BC    DE    FG    HI    JK    LM    NO PARPD SCZPD SZTPD
#>    <fct>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Female  1.5   1.5   1.25  1     2     2.5   2.25  2.5      4     3     7
#>  2 Female  0     0.25  0     0.25  1.25  1.75  2.25  2.25     1     0     2
#>  3 Female  0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0        0     1     0
#>  4 Male    2     1.75  1.75  2.5   2     1.75  2     2.5      1     0     0
#>  5 Female  0.25  0.5   0.25  0     0     0     0     0        0     0     0
#>  6 Male    1.5   1.75  2.25  1.75  2     1.25  2.25  2.5      5     5     7
#>  7 Male    2     1.75  1.75  2     1.5   1.25  1.25  1.75     3     6     7
#>  8 Female  0     0.25  0.25  0.25  1     1.25  1.25  1        0     0     1
#>  9 Female  0     0     0     0     0.25  0.25  1     0        0     1     0
#> 10 Male    0.75  2     1.75  2.5   2     1.5   2     2.25     4     5     5
#> # ℹ 1,156 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: ASPD <int>, BORPD <int>, HISPD <int>, NARPD <int>,
#> #   AVPD <int>, DPNPD <int>, OCPD <int>, PA_z <dbl>, BC_z <dbl>, DE_z <dbl>,
#> #   FG_z <dbl>, HI_z <dbl>, JK_z <dbl>, LM_z <dbl>, NO_z <dbl>